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The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014

The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014 Said the Spanish Football Luis Aragones, the former Spain coach died on Saturday for 75 years.

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افتراضي The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014

The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014

The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014

Said the Spanish Football Luis Aragones, the former Spain coach died on Saturday for 75 years.

He added that the Spanish coach Aragones , who led Spain to win the European Cup in 2008, died Saturday morning in a hospital in the Spanish capital .

And Trans Union Spaniard lamented the departure of Aragones in the time when the Spanish team to defend the World Cup title .

The Aragones led awakening Spanish football FBI beginning of the golden age Current beating the European title in 2008, paved the way for the team's success at the level of the largest and winning the World Cup in South Africa two years later , and his success in the defense of the European title in 2012, under the leadership of current coach Vicente del Bosque .

Aragones family said in a statement that he died after a struggle with cancer of the blood ( leukemia ) .

وفاة اراجونيس المدرب السابق لاسبانيا عن عمر 75 عاما اليوم السبت 1-2-2014

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The death of Spanish coach Luis Aragones on Saturday 02/01/2014

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